Between Culture and Economy: Factors Motivating Regions to Support Creative Industries




Creative industries, creative industries, cultural industries, human potential, strategic planning, regional policy, creative spaces, creative clusters


Due to the lack of a unified approach to supporting creative industries and to the differentiation of initial socioeconomic conditions in Russian regions, different government participation models in the development of creative industries are emerging. Understanding the balance of factors influencing the creative industries is key to more effective goal-setting and support for the creative sector in Russian regions. Using the polynomial logistic regression method, this study defines objective factors that influence the quality of policies in the field of creative industries in the regions of Russia and, using k-means clustering, determines groups of regions with similar profiles of implemented creative policies. As a result, three groups of policies were identified: “organized”, “independent” and “unmanifested”. It was revealed that eight “organized” regions were ahead of other groups in terms of the level of organizational support (by 5 and 7 times), by federal support measures attracted (by 1.5 and 1.8 times), regulatory legal and strategic support (by 4 % and 8 %) and were approximately on the same level as twenty “independent” regions in terms of the scale of regional support measures. “Organized” regions were 1.4 times ahead of “independent” regions in terms of the number of students, and 1.9 times ahead of “unmanifested” regions. In terms of the number of patent applications “organized” regions were 2.2 and 2.5 times ahead, respectively, and in terms of attendance at cultural institutions 22 % and 18 %. Modelling showed that government authorities’ support for creative industries at the regional level is facilitated by a combination of innovative and cultural development factors.

Author Biographies

Victoria O. Boos , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Econ), Head of the Creative Industries Unit, Centre “Russian Cluster Observatory”, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge; (room 301, 11, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Victoria I. Shubina , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Econ), Research Fellow, Centre “Russian Cluster Observatory”, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge;–0000-7498–0556 (room 301, 11, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Евгений Сергеевич Куценко, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Econ), Director of Centre “Russian Cluster Observatory”, Institute of Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge; Scopus Author ID: 55903194100; (room 301, 11, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation; e-mail:



How to Cite

Boos Б. В., Shubina В. И. ., & Куценко, Е. С. . (2024). Between Culture and Economy: Factors Motivating Regions to Support Creative Industries. Economy of Regions, 20(4), 1041–1057.



Regional Economy