Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The manuscript investigates the issues of regional economics (considering specific regions and providing an economic analysis).
- By submitting the manuscript, the author guarantees that it is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for such review in the future.
- The manuscript file is in .rtf or .docx formats, Times New Roman, 14, single spacing.
- The information about all authors is provided in a separate file in both Russian and English.
- The manuscript is prepared according the manuscript formatting guidelines.
- Note that all accepted manuscripts submitted after January, 10, 2025 will be subjected to the fee of 50,000 roubles. For more information, please, see
Research articles
Article Structure: IMRAD
Article Length: 17-23 typewritten pages or 35 000 – 45 000 characters.
In this Section, Articles should contain original novel data or analysis, and authors’ conclusions.
Review articles
Article Structure: IMRAD or other
Article Length: 30-35 typewritten pages or 60 000 – 70 000 characters
In this Section, Articles should contain a comprehensive review of research on a topic, authors’ interpretation of these research, and authors’ conclusions. The Editors consider theoretical, systematic, bibliometric, or scoping reviews.
Economy of the Arctic and Northern Regions
The manuscript investigates the issues of the economy of the Arctic and Northern Territories.
By submitting the manuscript, the author guarantees that it is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for such review in the future.
The manuscript file is in .rtf or .docx formats, Times New Roman, 14, single spacing.
The information about all authors is provided in a separate file in both Russian and English.
The manuscript is prepared according the manuscript formatting guidelines.
Privacy Statement
The Editorial Board of Economy of Regions warrants that the authors’ personal data will be used solely for correspondence with the authors and publication details and will not be shared with third parties.