Economy of Regions: stable growth of metrics in Scopus


According to the metrics of the international scientometric database Scopus for 2020 (according to the Scimago Journal Rankings), the journal "Economy of the Region", published by the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS, has maintained and improved its position. It is in the 2nd quartile in the areas "Economics, Econometrics and Finance," "Business, Management and Accounting" and "Social Sciences," and the SJR indicator increased compared to 2019 (0.351) and was 0.377.
Thus, Economy of Regions is confidently included in the top five Russian journals indexed in Scopus, along with such journals as Russian Jornal of Economics, Foresight and STI Governance (HSE), and Regional Research of Russia (published by Springer and publishes the best articles from Izvestiya RAN. Geographical Series, Izvestiya Rossiyskoy Geographical Society and Region: Economics and Sociology). Citation metrics also increased - the total number of citations, the number of citations per article, the share of cited articles, and the number of external links.